Ending Nurse-to-Nurse Hostility, Second Edition

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Revised to reflect current research on horizontal hostility in the nursing field (also known as lateral violence), Ending Nurse-to-Nurse Hostility, Second Edition, provides staff nurses and their managers with techniques to create a workplace that promotes team relationships and career development while preventing burnout.
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ISBN 9781615692811

Ending Nurse-to-Nurse Hostility, Second Edition
Why Nurses Eat Their Young and Each Other

Kathleen Bartholomew, RN, MN

The only book the ANA recommends to end hostility in the workplace

The first and most respected book showing nurses, both new and experienced, how to build a better workplace by facing and overcoming horizontal hostility is now updated. With this new content, this book can continue to empower nurses to create positive change for themselves and their peers.

Revised to reflect current research on horizontal hostility in the nursing field (also known as lateral violence), Ending Nurse-to-Nurse Hostility, Second Edition, provides staff nurses and their managers with techniques to create a workplace that promotes team relationships and career development while preventing burnout.

Ending Nurse-to-Nurse Hostility provides staff nurses and their managers with the knowledge they need to:

  • Identify verbal abuse, bullying, and other detrimental behaviors
  • Develop responses to defuse or head off such behaviors
  • Create positive alternatives to hostility  

These skills support the success of the individual nurse, the unit, and patient care quality at a time when healthcare systems are publicly ranked on patient experience and outcomes.

Horizontal hostility, also known as bullying or lateral violence, is a major factor in nursing attrition rates. Healthcare organizations that don’t proactively create a healthy workplace face the expense of finding, hiring, and training new nurses to replace burned-out staff.

This book provides the following benefits:

  • Skills: Nurses will learn skills for identifying and responding to verbal abuse, bullying, and other detrimental behaviors that undermine individual nurses, the unit, and the quality of patient care.
  • Real-world examples: Gain insightful reflections from individual nurses who have experienced horizontal hostility, presented in their own voices.
  • Author voice: Kathleen Bartholomew is a beloved nursing author who is authoritative yet approachable and always respectful.
  • Scholarship: Extensive references draw on the latest empirical and theoretical literature concerning horizontal hostility.
  • Culture change: Improve nurse retention, nurse productivity, and hospital rankings with an improved environment for patient care.

Ending Nurse-to-Nurse Hostility, Second Editio
n will help you to:

  • Define horizontal hostility.
  • List two overt examples of horizontal hostility from your work setting.
  • List two covert examples of horizontal hostility from your work setting.
  • Discuss the impact that horizontal hostility has on 1) the individual
    and 2) the organization.
  • Explain the impact that horizontal hostility has on patient safety.
  • Explain one way in which the current system is designed to support the
    invisibility of nurses.
  • List two populations at risk for experiencing horizontal hostility.
  • State four of the most frequent forms of lateral violence.
  • Explain why horizontal hostility is so virulent.
  • Identify two intrinsic forces that play a role in horizontal hostility.
  • Explain how the organizational structure enables oppression.
  • Select two factors that contribute to nurses’ stress from the context of
    our world.
  • List two impediments to a healthy student or resident nurse experience.
  • Describe six steps that can be taken to create a healthy environment for
    student nurses.
  • Name two signs that may indicate that horizontal hostility is taking place.
  • Explain what is meant by a “twofold approach” to eliminating horizontal hostility.
  • Select one way in which nurse managers can empower staff.
  • Identify two strategies to nurture a healthy culture within the organization.
  • Identify two strategies to decrease hostility within the organization.
  • Identify two practices or behaviors characteristic of an open system.

What’s new in the second edition: 

  • Interventions—demonstrated methods proven to end horizontal hostility
  • Acknowledged stresses on nurses related to increased complexity and compression of their workload, computerized charting, and staffing
  • New information on leadership styles and hostility
  • Sociological underpinnings of horizontal hostility and understanding human behavior in groups
  • Bullying on social media/cyberbullying
  • Insightful reflections from individual nurses who have experienced all forms of horizontal hostility, presented in their own voices


About the Author:

Kathleen Bartholomew, RN, MN, is an internationally acclaimed speaker and educator who uses the power of story and her strong background in sociology to illuminate and transform the healthcare culture. She is also the author of Team-Building Handbook: Improving Nurse-Physician Communications, Team-Building Handbook: Improving Nurse-to-Nurse Relationships, Speak Your Truth: Proven Strategies for Effective Nurse-Physician Communication, Stressed Out About Communication Skills, and Charting the Course, coauthored with her husband, John J. Nance. Today, Bartholomew and her colleagues at The Orca Institute apply best practice principles from the bedside to the boardroom in leadership retreats and on-site presentations.

Continuing Education:

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Revised November 2017
Published: May 2014